Emissions Control Specialists
The broadest spectrum of equipment, chemicals and dry medias for treatment of hazardous and odorous air emissions. The industry leader!
We're Committed to the Environment
For over 23 years, Vapor Tech has produced mechanical & chemical solutions that reduce the environmental impact from industry
Learn MoreLargest fleet of skid and trailer-mounted vapor scrubber systems in North America
In service at 90% of all major chemical and refinery installations around the country
We specialize in non-combustive emission control technology
A Sample of our Products

Steel Vapor Scrubber Systems
Vapor Tech manufactures many types of steel scrubbers designed for use in tank cleaning, degassing, pipeline cleaning and degassing, vacuum truck emission control and much more. Custom units also available!
12 items in stock

Poly Vapor Scrubbing Systems
Vapor Tech manufactures a complete line of 100% poly scrubber systems which are ideal for applications where metals are not suitable. Great for vapors including acids, ammonia, chlorine and more! Custom units available!
6 items in stock

Carbon Filtration Equipment
Vapor Tech manufactures a full line of specialty carbon filtration equipment. From our industry leading NOVAC carbon beds to our high-flow Radial carbon beds, we have the equipment to get you in compliance!
9 items in stock

Vapor Scrubber System Rentals
Vapor Tech rents a complete line of vapor scrubber systems ranging from small skid mounted units to large trailer mounted systems (up to 6000 CFM)
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Vapor Scrubber Chemicals
We manufacture a wide range of chemistry to treat many types of hazardous and odorous vapors. From hydrocarbons, amines, acrylates, hydrocarbons and many more. Below are a few of our more popular scrubbing medias designed for use in wet scrubber systems.
12 items in stock

Hydrocarbon Degassing Chemicals
This product line is known as the 'CARBONIL' line of degassing products, which are water-based and designed to lower LEL and emissions of many types of hydrocarbons.