Steel Vapor Scrubber Systems

CSS-18 Vapor Scrubber System

The CSS-18 vapor scrubber is ideal for applications which require a small footprint as well as low pressure drop. These units are available with air pneumatic pump or electric pump. 50 gallon solution reservoir is ideal for small tank applications. High quality powder-coating finishes off the unit. Excellent for Frac-Tank emissions during breathing or filling operations. Stainless Steel version available.

EDC 99.9%
Acids 99.9%
Amines 99%
Acrylates 99%
Mercaptans 99%
Hydrogen Sulfide 99.9%
Wastewater Odors 99%
Hydrocarbons (BTEX, Etc.) 99%

Hazardous Vapor Recommended Chemical Media for Scrubber
Hydrocarbons Bio-Scrub X
H2S Enviro-Scrub VT
Amines Sulfur-Scrub 43
Others Contact Vapor Tech

Maximum Flow Rate (CFM) 750
Minimum Flow Rate (CFM) 5
Maximum Pressure (PSI) 5
Maximum Temperature (°F) 140
Pressure Drop Across System (@500 CFM) with Carbon Approximately 7” of Water
Pressure Drop Across System (@500 CFM) without Carbon Less than 3” of Water

Overall Unit Footprint (Skid Size) 4’ x 5’L
Overall Height 122”
Empty Weight (Pounds) 1100
Vapor Inlet 4” Flange (150#)
Vapor Outlet 4” Flange (150#)
Number of Towers 1
Tower Diameter (Inches) 18
Packing Height (Feet) 5
Reservoir Capacity (Gallons) 50
Re-Circulation Pump Type Air Diaphragm Standard (Electric Mag Drive Optional)
Number of Pumps 1
Utility Required Compressed Air or Nitrogen
Pump Air Consumption(SCFM) 65
Available Blowers Venturi Air-Horn / 250 CFM Electric
Unit Equipped with Mist Eliminator? YES

Surface Area (Square Feet) 16
Carbon Capacity (Pounds) 1000
Maximum Temperature (°F) 140
Temperature Gauge 0-200°F Dial
Liquid Purge Inlet (Used to Flood Bed in Case of High Temperature) 1/2” Valve
Cleanout/Service Ports (One of Each on Carbon Polisher) 20” Manway

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SSTR-54 Triple Column Scrubber

This system is made of stainless steel and mounted to a gooseneck trailer.

SST-20 Vapor Scrubber

Dual column stainless steel scrubber for vapor flows up to 750 CFM.

Our Distributors

Interested in purchasing or leasing our scrubbing equipment and specialty chemicals? Contact one of our global distributors

Asia (Taiwan)

Ruey Li Enterprise Co. LTD.

No. 36 Liucuo Ln., Jiumei Vil.
Xizhou Township, Changhua 52441, Taiwan
Web Site:

  • Phone886 4 8891 688 (office)

Middle East

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  • Phone409-316-0173


Vapor Technologies

Edmonton, Alberta

  • Phone780-782-7654
  • Fax281-754-4876

United States

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Contact us if you are interested in becoming a Distributor of our unique products.

  • Phone409-316-0173
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